Hans Keller werkt aan documentaire over Kees Fens

Documentairemaker Hans Keller (1937) is bezig met het maken van een dokumentaire over criticus en essayist Kees Fens (1929). Onder de titel ‘Kees Fens, Erfgenaam van een Lege Hemel’ zal deze film t.z.t. worden uitgezonden bij VPRO’s Uur van de Wolf.

In Amsterdam wordt van 4 – 8 juni 2008 het ‘International Festival of Films on Art – DOKU.ARTS!’ gehouden.
Een nieuw onderdeel is ‘In progress’ waarin aandacht wordt besteed aan films waaraan nog gewerkt wordt.keesfens.jpg

Daarbij dus o.a. Kees Fens, heir of an empty sky

Documentary about the life and work of literary critic and essayist Kees Fens (born 1929). The documentary is a spiritual travelogue with Kees Fens as guide, that visits the places in The Netherlands and Europe that were important to him during his life. An important theme is Fens’ identification with the 14th century Italian poet and humanist, Francesco Petrarca (1304-1374) which can be traced back to the moment when Fens, at a young age, abandoned his plans of becoming a priest. Why is Fens so intrigued by his travelling companion, who after receiving minor orders, turned his back on the priesthood and followed his own path?

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