Boekenplankschilderijen van Victoria Reichelt

Almost Famous, oil on canvas, 2008, 44 x 44 cm
VR Morrison, oil on canvas, 2008, 44 x 44 cm
David Sequeira, oil on canvas, 2008, 80 x 60.5 cm

“My current body of work is based on photographs of bookshelves. These works are a paradox to paint, as once the books are an image on canvas they are shut forever and can never be read. In a painting they serve a very different purpose from their intended function – they are purely objects like any others, that have histories and narratives of their own, quite separate from the text inside them.

These paintings are a collection of ‘portraits’ of contemporary Australian artists. Decisions people make about the books they choose to buy, keep and display reveal a considerable amount about them. Conventional portraiture relies on a visual representation of the subject, through which most of the information you get is about their visual appearance. However, photographing and painting someone’s bookshelf reveals another side to them and offers a deeper insight into their interests and, in this case, the thoughts and ideas that frame their practice.”

(Tekst bij de tentoonstelling Bibliomania: The Bookshelf Portrait Project in het Linden Centre for Contemporary Arts in Melbourne in 2008.)


Victoria Reichelt (1979) schilderde al eerder boeken, zoals dit voorbeeld uit 2006: Tolstoi, oil on canvas, 50 x 50 cm.

  • Op haar website zijn meer schilderijen te zien.

(Gezien bij Wessel & Lieberman)

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