‘National Bookmobile Day’ op 14 april 2010 (USA)


National Bookmobile Day

Held on the Wednesday of National Library Week National Bookmobile Day (NBD) recognizes and celebrates the role of bookmobiles and direct‐delivery outreach services in fulfilling the mission of libraries. An integral and vital part of library service in the United States for over 100 years, bookmobiles life‐long learning to Americans of all walks of life, no matter where they are – rural areas, cities, or suburbs.

The first‐ever National Bookmobile Day will be celebrated on Wednesday, April 14, 2010.


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De foto’s hierboven komen uit de verzameling Bookmobiles Parnassus On Wheels, een fotogroep bij Flickr, met 260 foto’s van bibliobussen.

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